The 2023.1 Orion release of GVERSE GeoGraphix launches a new era for the evolution of XSection. All of the features users know and love about XSection carry forward in a new environment, GVERSE Geo+, that enables the integration of geology, geophysics, petrophysics, mapping, GIS, and geosurface modeling in one application. GVERSE XSection can be launched…
Category: Geo+
How to create different GVERSE Geo+ cross sections in GeoAtlas
GVERSE Geo+ (previously known as GVERSE Geomodeling) is a sophisticated and integrated solution for static reservoir analysis that combines geological, geophysical, petrophysical, GIS, and engineering data in a single environment. GVERSE Geo+ is a very flexible application, giving the interpreter many options and tools from other GVERSE GeoGraphix applications to do different types of analysis…